Friday, December 04, 2009

#40 - Snow, Rain and Cracked Out Ceilings

In this episode of the Casey Stratton Podcast I discuss current events, including President Barack Obama's recent announcement about the war in Afghanistan. I then take a question about social networking in the modern era before discussing the reason why the podcast is 2 days late. Wendy makes TONS of appearances, some amusing and some obnoxious. I talk briefly about the new holiday album, A Winter Moon before performing I Won't Let Go Just Yet, and original I wrote for it. I then close out the podcast with a 2001 recording I did of Loreena McKennitt's Snow. Music recommendation is Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars.

"The Civil Wars craft ethereal, tenderly exquisite songs that are the aural equivalent of finely spun gossamer."

Listen to Podcast #40

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your cover of "Snow" is so great, I wish you could make it available for fans.
I love your Holiday CD very much.
Never heard a better version of "Ave Maria" and the way you sing "The Maiden,The Mother and The Crone" is so emotional.
It`s the best Christmas present I gave to myself.Thanks!
