...sudden, expansive shift toward a much larger canvas--a sleeker, orchestrated pop style pulsing with jazz elements. Court & Spark found Mitchell casting aside her earth mother affectations and revealing herself as the thoroughly modern, thoroughly complicated woman she is; the songs sustained familiar preoccupations with relationships but replaced courtly settings and naturalistic imagery with recognizably modern locales. Deeply romantic, constantly questioning, classic tracks like the title song, "Help Me," "Free Man in Paris," "Same Situation," and "Raised on Robbery" display a more liberated Mitchell, ready to rumble with unbridled electric guitars (guest Robbie Robertson on "...Robbery"), even willing to poke fun at her own oh-so-sensitive rep with a hip cover of Annie Ross's hilarious "Twisted." --Sam Sutherland
- Buy Orbit from my DIGITAL STORE
- Buy Orbit on iTunes
- Buy Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark on iTunes
- Buy Joni Mitchells' Court and Spark on Amazon
- email me a question at podcasts@caseystratton.com
Casey, I'm behind and catching up on podcasts. Are you no longer doing these?
I am on hiatus for now. I will start them up again at some point. At least it gives you time to catch up!
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