Wednesday, March 11, 2009

#21 - Casios, Classical Work and the Côte D'Azur

In this edition of the Casey Stratton Podcast I discuss my travels in Europe per a question from a listener. I then discuss the composing and recording of Mass For Angels. Live performance this time is Fission, a free track from the DIVIDE days. Music recommendation is William Fitzsimmons' The Sparrow and the Crow.

I bought William's cd expecting a great work and I was not disappointed. Being familiar with Fitzsimmons via online interviews and other media, I was able to see how these songs applied to his personal life. That said, it was still as if he has been sitting quietly in the corner of my life, jotting notes and scribbles, compiling the contents of this awesome set of tracks. - Amazon reviewer

Listen to Podcast #21

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